Friday, April 24, 2009


This morning as I was standing in the pre dawn light waiting for the local dawn service and listening to the people as they congregated around the centotaph I realised that this day is one of the true days when we get to celebrate exactly who we are.

People came from all over, the police officers on duty, the fire men who had not been called out and the bikies (the ones that we have heard so much about lately), came together with veterans and others who wanted to pay their most humbling respects.

What I was thinking as I was standing there, was not about what had happened all those years ago to ensure that today is forever marked in our lives, but what would I have done if I was placed in the same position as those men (and later women) who sarcrified so much for things they didn't understand?

They didn't understand the political nature of war, the didn't understand what could happen on foreign shores and I really don't think they understood that the people they were fighting didn't know why people were invading their nation. Weren't the Turks just as justified in protecting their country, just like we felt justified protecting our own when needed?

I was worried as I stood there, that many of the veterans there were getting older and older and that one day they will not be there to remember, that it will be up to their children and their children's children to remember what happened so long ago on foriegn lands.

But it wasn't until I got home and I started reading the paper, that I realised nothing that happened 94 years ago has changed anything for the people of the world. Fighting is still going on in places were our troops are still stationed.

I know that as I stood there in pre dawn light I felt proud of people who have fought and are still fighting for our good. That their sacrifice is our life, and the one that we cherish and a lot of the time take for granted.

And if you meet a veteran today, or any day take the time to say "thank you". I'm sure they will understand your platitude.

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