Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I've decided that I'm the homework Nazi!!!!!

This year one of my strange New Year's resolutions was to make sure that my children complete their homework. You see every semester on their reports they get 'Needs Improvement' when it comes to this area of their studies. When this first started happening I thought there was something wrong with me. I meant why couldn't I get my kids to complete their homework, when I could get my students to complete theirs.

Student after student would complete would set whatever task I thought to set but I could never get my own kids to do sheets that had been issued by their well meaning teachers. Week after week I could see them sitting there expectently waiting for my kids to hand in something that tehy had set and yet time and time again they were disappointed.

So for my own NY resolution I decided that they need to fulfill people's expectations. One afternoon a week the television gets turned off and they are set to task. Their sheets are completed and their books are ready.

Now the only thing I need to be able to achieve is them handing in their completed sheets to those expectant teachers who still hold out so much hope.

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