Monday, May 18, 2009

Break Ups

I've had quite a few interesting break ups in my day.

The ones over the phone, the ones in person and the ones that are texted to you like the person on the other end just doesn't want to face your (don't quite now what would be happening but there you go).

But the most interesting break up was the one that I just had. To begin with, I was going to break up with this man on Facebook, I now a low act, but he did break up with me via text message on my birthday and to be honest revenge was what I had in mind when I thought this senerio up.

But I got brave and decided that the only way to truly have a break up and remain reasonable in the world of exs was to say the words to their face and thats how I ended up with this interesting break up, where my ex still wants to remain friends. I mean real friends, not just the type you have that you say you are going to call and then never do. But, real friends who will be there for each other, should the other ever need them.

And this got me thinking: would that ever work? Would I still be able to look at them and now that I did not have a claim on their lives, even in some small way. But here's the other thing, I am sure that he is more in love with me than I am with him, remember I instigated the break up, so how is this helping him move on? Or does it really mean that he has no intention of moving on, well at least not in the way I would think is healthy.

So, I said yes, I would stay friends....................who knows how this is going to end up, maybe we wont be friends for long...............keep you posted.

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