Monday, July 6, 2009


Life is interesting, just when you think that you know what you are talking about, life throws you a curve ball. Something that no one ever thinks about, something that even your dreams are not sure they know exists.

I sometimes think that the stars do this to us in ways that we are not even sure we know about. Astrology they say is how wars were started in the days of the Ancient Romans and Greeks, that love was one and lost on the way that the skies aligned, but Im not really sure about all that.

You see every day I read my Stars, in the hope that I would get some insight in to what is about to happen to me - just put it down to being an Aquarius - but every day I am more perplexed and it is not until something happens, sometimes straight away, sometimes not for days that the words make any sense. Who knew that what I needed when I was going for my drivers licence was courage, the stars did.

But lately there words have been coming true with increasing regularity. It is this that is starting to worry me, I know that I said life has an interesting way of throwing you curve balls but realistically the curve balls have already been laid out, all I really need to do is read the words that are right in front of me.

So what am I really going to do? I am going to start believing in what I am reading, I am going to start to contemplate and meditate on what the words are saying to me. Who knows maybe just like the Ancient Romans and Greeks I will do things where only I can be the winner.